Gilmar mechanik doo je preduzeće osnovano 2015. godine nakon višegodisnjeg iskustva u radu sa prozvodima od lima, zahtevnim kutijama za mehaniku i elektroniku.
Autoput za Zagreb 22b 11080 Beograd – Zemun Srbija
Head Railway Construction
New York, United States
4 Years in the construction industry.
Tel: (+380) 50 318 47 07 Fax: (+182) 50 318 47 07The most exciting would be that no day is ever the same and each day brings new challenges. My professional passion would be team morale and relationship building. I think the true measure of success in an organization is to gage employee satisfaction, engagement nd the relationships that they build. I truly never envisioned that Construction would have been the organization that empowers. The most exciting would be that no day is ever the same and each day brings new challenges. My professional passion would be team morale and relationship building.
Moorings Park Grande Lake. It’s my favorite because of the vast layers of the project from building structure to the customization in the building. (Only one I’ve been on so far but LOVE it)